Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Certificate of Love (Hand Painted Papyrus from Cairo)

The certificate of Love is considered to be the first known Love Story painting in Egyptian history. It was between King 'Tutankhamon' and his girlfriend 'AnkhesenAmon' who later became his wife after that.
In the ancient times, The girl couldn't tell her lover openly that She had fallen in Love with him, she was too shy to express her feelings in words.

So instead of that she offered him Lotus Flowers. If her Lover accepted them, that meant he had the same feelings.
So the wedding ceremony would then go as follows, The bride offered her Groom Lotus flowers and he in turn turned and touched her flowers  confirming they will live forever in happiness and Love.

Both of them collected the Lotus flower(symbol of Love) and the Papyrus plant (symbol of Peace) to prove that :

"Any successful relationship between husband and wife depends on 3 principles 'Love,Peace  and Unity'

Maybe we could learn a thing or two from our ancient ancestors??? ;)

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